CCPC Sandbox

“Surely the Lord is in this place.” Gen 28:16

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Our Brazil Campus

Our Partnership With Igreja Presbiteriano Missional do Buritis

If you ever have taken the time to read Paul’s greetings at the end of his letter you will see a fascinating piece of information.  That information is that every church listed in the Book of Acts had individuals that visited and ministered to almost every other church.  The way the mission of the kingdom of God worked was through relationship building.  People from Antioch worked with the church in Jerusalem.  The Jerusalem church had people work with the people of the Colossae, the Colossian church had people worked for the Ephesian Church and so on.  Building relationship and sharing one’s spiritual gifts with another congregation helps strengthen as well as builds the mission and ministry of the other.  Rev. Robson Gomes knew this and began to build a mission of relationship making between congregations of differing nations.  As for me, I have been involved for about twenty years and I witnessed miracles of people who never darkened the doors of the church not only and worship but also grow as disciples and workers within the congregation, I have seen mission and discipleship program come into existence and grow.  I have seen people come to know the Lord for the first time.  Many miracles happened because of this partnership between churches.  As for us here at Calabash, we too, once we began this relationship started seeing firsthand the wonderful results of this relationship building mission.  Between our sending people down to Belo Horizonte and the church in which the Holy Spirit had filled our people and we all witnessed small miracles take place not only for our people but for the members of the Buritis Church. 


Keeping this relationship and this mission going only will help us to continue to flourish as a missional congregation, it will help us in our outreach, it will help us in our discipleship making, just as it does in Rev. Robson’s congregation.

 Jack Patrick  (Pastor from 2006 – 2020)

There is an old cliché that “opposites attract”.  I believe it may have originated from some law of science, but, since I was never very good at understanding scientific laws or theories, the context in which I think about and understand the phrase is more related to a relationship between two individuals that seem to be quite different in their personalities but find a satisfying relationship together.  In their differences they complement each other and become something better together than they could be on their own.

The partnership between Calabash Covenant Presbyterian Church (CCPC) and Igreja Presbiteriano Missional do Buritis in Belo Horizonte, Brazil (IPM) is a story of opposites attracting.  There are many differences between the two churches, average age of 75 vs. 35, members retired from their careers vs. working families, small rural community vs. large metropolitan city, northern hemisphere vs. southern hemisphere, newer updated church building vs. a leased mechanic’s shop for a sanctuary, bible studies in the church building vs. home bible studies, morning worship services vs. evening worship services.  After considering the many ways the two churches differ, one might wonder how they could have a complementary relationship.  Well, with any relationship that prospers, there must be one or more common ideals, morals or goals.  It is no different for the partnership between our church here in Calabash and the church in Brazil.  There is common connection – both churches agree that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that he came to earth in humanly form, that he was crucified, that he died, was buried and was raise to life so that all who trust in Him will have eternal life.  And, both believe that the church is not a building, but, a large universe of disciples that are called to grow the kingdom of God in their own neighborhoods and throughout the world.  Because of those common convictions, all the differences simply become tools to making each church stronger in its ministries through mutual encouragement and inspiration for spiritual growth.

The partnership between the two churches began in April 2013 when, through the leadership of Pastor Jack and IPM Pastor Robson Gomes, six individuals from CCPC traveled to Belo Horizonte to begin our relationship mission work with IPM. The team included Pastor Jack Patrick, Laura Graff, Terry Ikner, Franklyn Lee, Keith Warner and Gloria Wimmer.  In August 2014, IPM reciprocated by organizing a team to visit CCPC.  That team included Pastor Robson, Andreia Almeda, Luzia Alvim, Tina Alvim, Sergio, Julienne and Laura França, Edna Gomes, and Luiz Lobaqui.

CCPC completed two additional mission trips, February 2016 with nine individuals and April 2018 with nine individuals.  Sue Brandon, Wayne Krieger, Anne Pendred, Pat and Carolyn Robison, Dottie Spencer, Stan Tempsick, Cynthia Tung, and Cathy Zaluga added to the list of CCPC participants over those two trips.  IPM sent a second team to CCPC in January 2017, with Julianne Gomes, Marco Gomes, Vivian Gomes joining as new participants in the mission.  Two trips that were planned had to be cancelled, one due to the economic conditions in Brazil in 2019 and another due to the COVID-19 pandemic that halted travel in 2020.

Regardless of whether the trips were hosted by CCPC or IPM, the activities and events were similar in nature.  The traveling team typically served the hosting team by leading worship services, Sunday school and Bible study sessions, joining in the hosting church’s community outreach programs, visiting some of the local attractions to gain insight into the communities and enjoying fellowship events between brothers and sisters in Christ.

Romans 1:11-12 is a good way to summarize what the CCPC/IPM mission is all about. 

“For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you- that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.”

Faith is at the center of this mission, but it is the individuals sharing their spiritual gifts with others that allows faith to grow.

Thank you Pastor Jack for presenting this mission opportunity to CCPC, so many have been blessed in unique ways through this partnership. 

Nós te amamos,

Deus te abençoe!